Wednesday 29 February 2012

What's this all about?

Well... I used to knit as a child. Badly. Very badly. I knitted myself a jumper (of sorts), proudly put it on and went to show it off.
My dad's response? 'But it's got lots of holes in it.' 

I was embarrassed. I brazened it out for the rest of the day pretending that those were intentional holes, and never wore it again. I put away my needles and didn't pick them up again either.

Fastforward over twenty years, and some children of my own later, and the website forum Mumsnet organised a blanket for a member who had very sadly lost a child. Anyone who wanted to could knit a square or two, post them off, and another member kindly crocheted them together and sent the completed community blanket onto the grieving family.

My contribution was tiny, just one square:

(I'm new to this, I'm not sure how to rotate, apologies).

But I found I really enjoyed making it - partly because it was nice to be part of something that hopefully made a small difference to a family going through hell - and also because I just enjoyed the process of making something. Also, I think I have quite a short attention span and squares are perfect - you can't get bored really.

Again, I didn't knit much after that. I didn't have reason to, and I couldn't think of anything to knit (even for my children). But then, just recently I started feeling a bit anxious, and down, and I picked up my needles. And it really, really helps. 

Knitting's amazing IMHO. You pick up some yarn, two sticks, and voila - eventually - you create something. Something that wasn't there before.

It's February (just!) 2012 and just in the last two weeks another two families have also lost family members. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through, but again I am knitting for their blankets. I'm also knitting 'on behalf' of other Mumsnetters who don't know how to knit. 

There's still a LOT of stitches I don't know. I am NOT an expert. But I'm aiming to learn more as I go along, and try out new techniques, and this blog is going to be a record of that.

I don't expect anyone to be interested in it. This blog is also therapy, and that's an end in and of itself. Maybe my children will be interested one day (I'm also planning to knit them blankets as a sort of heirloom - I'm hoping they will be finished by the time they leave home). And if anyone is inspired to pick up some needles and have a go, then great. 


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