Sunday 10 November 2019

Further adventures in client feedback

After yesterday’s food for thought, today a client told me that coming to see me was like picking at a scab. All that happens is that the wound is briefly reopened, looked at, and then nothing changes and it just scabs over until the next session where we do it all over again.

I gently remind them that they came in the first place because how they were dealing with the issues in their life wasn’t working.

‘Oh yes, I agree. But this isn’t working either.’


As before, lots to think about there and reflect upon.
Is it because now isn’t the right time for them? Is it because feeling resistant to therapy can be part of the journey? Is it because change is hard, and we tend to follow the path we’re familiar with?

Or is it because I’m not challenging this client enough? Am I doing too much reflecting and empathising, when what’s needed is more of a tough love type of approach?

Or - as ever- quite probably a bit of both.

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