Sunday 4 June 2023

The first of the firsts

 People talk about the first year as being hard, as you have all the first anniversaries, birthdays, Christmasses etc etc, and you have to navigate your way through what everyone wants/expects from all of those. It’s Father’s Day in a couple of weeks - I want to stick my head in the sand to be honest, but I have no idea what we’re going to do/how we’re going to handle it. 

These I can try and prepare for - I will see them coming, even if they do hit like a juggernaut. What’s getting me like a surprise punch in the face is the little corrections. Last night I asked my mum if she wanted to come and see our daughter dancing in a show (we had asked before and originally they had been going to go on a cruise, which is now cancelled obviously). She said yes, and I said to my husband ‘They’ve not seen her dance before’ and then teared up immediately at my own use of ‘they’. They never will. 

Today at the lake I saw a Rottweiler dog, and I was staring a little because they’re fairly unusual. I was sort of mentally preparing for if the owner caught my eye and thought I was either weird or scared (they have a bad rep) and was thinking I’d say ‘My parents have Rottweilers’ - and again caught myself. My mum has Rottweilers. 

I know there will be many, many more of these. 

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