Monday 29 May 2023

Unstoppable Feb

 I think I’m just going to put everything into one post. 

The programme is 28 days of workouts under 28 minutes, but as much as I love PJ I don’t think I’ll be doing one of her workouts every single day. It’s a bit much. 

Day 1 - Bosu balance workout, not PJ. I like this one because it’s short AF (17 minutes) but I work up a sweat and it’s working on all sorts of good balance stuff. Not a PJ workout.

Day 2 - Upper body. One of PJ’s but from a few days ahead (shhh). Also walked with my colleague at lunch. 

Day 3 - Reflecting on the general advice that if you want to improve at something, do it more, I’m going to try and run twice a week, Tuesdays with Kate and Fridays intervals. I’m (as ever) not hugely fussed about speed/distance stuff, but I would like it to feel less like I’m dying while I’m doing it. 

I had a pre-programmed intervals plan on my watch (from lockdown days! But if it ain’t broke…). However I couldn’t feel my watch buzzing for the changes so I had to keep looking at the times, which as we know is soul-destroying. I  think I’ll slightly increase the warm up to eight minutes to get over the slight incline on the way out of the village, and add in another repeat. Plus maximise the buzzing. 

Day 4 - no equipment leg day. I have a bugbear about no equipment workouts, in that if you are larger then it’s just too much weight/significantly more than dumbbells. I’ve already forgotten but I think this one was ok….! I took it slow because I’d given blood the day previously. 

Day 5 - swim! Air temp 0 degrees, water temp 4.1. Seventh sub-10 swim and second sub-5 - makes such a huge difference with the air temp not being -8 though. No after drop, I swam to the first buoy and back (so slightly more than last time), absolutely buzzing afterwards. Also went for a short walk with the kids after lunch. So lovely to see a bit of sunshine and the beginnings of spring buds. 

Day 6 - Bosu metcon workout. Somehow I didn’t press start on my watch <eye roll>. Also did a therapeutic walk with a client at lunch. 

Day 7 - indoor cardio workout. It would normally be a run day but it’s -2 out and I don’t want to go arse over tit. 

Day 8 - Bosu balance by the same woman but with extra abs. Less fun than the other one. 

Day 9 - No repeat leg day. Except it’s same muscle groups, so you just don’t notice it as much. Good workout. 

Day 10 - chest and triceps workout. Also went for an intervals run - super tough as my hands were freezing and I got stitch. 

Day 11 - Back and biceps. Think both of these upper body ones were good. 

Day 12 - Hips yoga. Still trying to find the perfect hip stretchin/opening yoga online workout. 

Day 13 - Metcon workout. Indoor cardio is bearable when there’s a dumbbell involved. Also went to the spa afterwards and had a wee swim in their tiny pool, but a) I was full of three-course lunch and b) it was only 12.5m long so I was turning turning turning all the time. Plus I didn’t think to bring my goggles. 

Day 14 - Valentine’s Day! Multitasked by running to the GP surgery for a blood test (figured my veins would be nice and raised). Obviously this meant huffing like a terribly unfit person in the reception. 

Day 15 - upper body. Plus a jaunt round the village in the afternoon

Day 16 - walked to the GP this time (blood pressure and weight check)

Day 17 - Leg day. Four circuits of the same moves - not my fave. 

It’s now May. I definitely did the whole month, and some into March, and it was… fine? There definitely came a point - as ever - where I just woke up one morning and thought ‘I don’t want to exercise today and that’s absolutely fine’. Which it is. So I’m not quite sure what conclusions to draw here… do what you want?

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